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Why A Climate Justice Revival Is A Good Idea!

The old tent revivals were where people went to sing and pray, to socialize and celebrate, to evangelize, and to renew their faith. A “Climate Revival” is going to be a bit different, of course, but maybe some things can stay the same. In any case, it sure looks like we need saving!

Faith for Children & Youth

A fun learning environment for children and youth to explore topics that foster empathy, ethical behavior, and personal spirituality. Learn more


Searching for meaning, mending a broken heart, or simply needing some friends who share your values? We're here for you: connecting, caring, healing. Learn more


Our Justice Ministry makes a positive difference in our local and global communities through service, education, advocacy, and witness. Won't you join us? Learn more

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Our Covenant

Love is the doctrine of this church,

The quest for truth is our sacrament and service is our prayer.

To dwell together in peace,

To seek knowledge in freedom,

To serve others in community,

To the end that all souls shall grow into harmony with creation.

Thus do we covenant with one another.