Families with Children

Families with children will find a safe and loving experience while they are in our care and as participants in our Worship and Religious Education Programs. We welcome all ages and learners. We staff our Religious Education Program with professional care in the Nursery and volunteers in classrooms.
If you are a visitor and would like your child to attend Religious Education classes, please come with your child to the Education Building and introduce yourselves. Please let us know if your child has any food allergies or if you have other concerns before leaving them with us.
Some basic guidelines for safety and health
We are partners in keeping children safe and healthy and we urge you to become familiar with our safety policies. In addition, the following guidelines make sure that your child will be safe and well cared for while they are on the church campus.
- A responsible adult should bring infants or toddlers to the Nursery in the Education Building.
- You will sign them in and out so they feel comfortable with us and we know to whom each child belongs.
- We need a contact number where we may reach you if we need to.
- If you leave your child in Religious Education and attend worship, please sit in the rear of the sanctuary so we can find you during a service, if necessary.
- Leave diapers, wipes, bottles or sippy cups with your child.
We offer a children’s program
- At 10:00 AM, children, youth, and adults generally gather in the sanctuary for a shared time of worship. After a Time for All Ages story, children and youth leave the sanctuary to attend age-appropriate classes in the Education Building.
Open campus
- We have an open campus and children are free to play in our designated play areas, and walk in the meditation garden or labyrinth if they are with a responsible adult. We staff the play areas during both services.
- A responsible adult must supervise all children while they are on the church campus and not under the care by one of our volunteer teachers or care providers.
- A responsible adult must stay on the church campus with the child.
- Our childcare providers are on duty from 10 AM until noon.
- Check in with your child before attending coffee and conversation in the Education Building great room.
- Do not bring your child to church with a communicable illness.
- A parent or responsible adult should call the church office when their child is exposed to a communicable illness, such as chickenpox or the flu, in the week prior to attending religious education.
Questions or concerns
If you have any concerns or questions about your child’s safety or about our programs, please speak with our Minister, Director of Religious Education or any member of the Board of Trustees.