Child and Youth Safety Policy

image of a child

This safety policy covers children and youth through age 18 at all congregational events and activities, whether they occur on or off the campus of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Las Cruces (UUCLC). Our intention is to provide a safe and nurturing environment that respects the worth and dignity of every person.

Definitions: The word parents, as used in this document, may include any of the following:

  • Parent(s): one or more adults related by blood or law to a specific child.
  • Guardian(s): one or more adults legally responsible for the health and well-being of a specific child
  • Responsible Adult: a member or friend of the congregation who brings a child to any UUCLC event or activity, remains at the event or activity for its duration, and who is responsible for the well-being of the child who is involved in the activity/event.

Our policy is for UUCLC Staff and Volunteers working with children and youth to:

  • Create covenants with all staff, parents, children and youth, emphasizing our shared accountability for safety and comfort for all.
  • Share responsibility for the safety and supervision of children and youth participating in UUCLC events and activities with parents, with the understanding that parents are their children’s primary caregivers on and off the church campus.
  • Make every effort to provide adequate, age appropriate supervision by screened adults for children and youth, at all specified times during church activities.
  • Provide screened professional and volunteer staff to work with children and youth.
  • Provide training for all volunteer and professional staff including:
    • Behavioral management procedures that reflect our UU Principles
    • Safety procedures
    • Identification and reporting of abuse and neglect
  • Maintain safe facilities and grounds.
  • Report any suspicions of abuse and/or neglect of minors in accordance with New Mexico law.

Board Approval: 26 March 2014