Church committees are all about the business of the church. Without them the church cannot function.
A church has many responsibilities. It would be difficult and time consuming for the entire congregation to handle all of the details of planning and administering various church activities. In this church, responsibilities are delegated to committees composed of members who will give the detailed study required, perform the assigned tasks, and report to the church on the progress of the work assigned to them. Our committees conduct both ongoing and short range projects and ultimately are responsible to the congregation for their activities.
The upheaval of the pandemic has given us an opportunity to re-think and re-invent our committees. These are the missions of our committees:
- Adult Enrichment – This committee presents a stimulating schedule of classes for church attendees.
- Facilities Management – We are responsible for the maintenance and enhancement of the church buildings and grounds. Beyond our own efforts toward this end, we rely on the time and talents of church members and, when needed, professional labor. If you’d like to join this group either as a committee member or just as a Willing Hand, please contact the committee chair.
- Finance and Stewardship – The Mission of the Finance Committee is to safeguard the dollars that are contributed to the Unitarian Universalist Church of Las Cruces, and to make sure the obligations of the church are paid. Finance proposes an annual budget for consideration by the Board, organizes and monitors cash flow. Stewardship shepherds and safeguards the valuables of others. In this case we help ensure that the congregation’s values and principles are reflected in the grateful receipt of pledges and their use to further church programs.
- Membership – The mission of this committee is to build a strong church community, welcome, orient, and integrate new members and friends into our community, support all members, and assume responsibility for maintaining church membership data. 10/2022
- Religious Education – There may not be a more important or fulfilling committee in the church. Touch the minds of the youth who will follow in our footsteps and lead them on the path of personal and social responsibility. This committee oversees the entire youth religious education program and reviews and approves Sunday class curricula.
- Social Justice – The Social Justice Committee educates the congregation about social issues related to Unitarian Universalist values and principles, provides opportunities to engage in activities that promote our values and principles, and demonstrates our values and principles to local, national, and world-wide communities.
- Sunday Services – Works with the minister, Director of Music, Director of Religious Education, and other committees and groups within the church to structure meaningful Sunday services.
- Tombaugh Gallery – The Gallery is a community outreach effort. The Committee schedules art shows for the Gallery, recruits and schedules docents, and helps with artist receptions. Committee members help curate the shows, handle publicity, hang shows and take them down. We have exhibits September through May, and every other year the Potter’s Guild puts on their Clay and Fiber Show in June. We fund scholarships for local seniors who will be majoring in art-related classes at NMSU.