January 2025 Light

Happy New Year!

Newsletter of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Las Cruces, Vol. 73, Num. 1

Services Every Sunday of the Year
We are a transformational Force for Love and Justice in Our Community

We gather to inspire spiritual growth, care for each other and our community, seek truth, and work for justice.

Our church administrator is Nancy Zacarias. The church office is open Mon.-Fri from 10 AM until 2 PM

Join our streamed worship service on YouTube every Sunday at 10 AM, See past worship services on our YouTube channel
Deadline for Light submissions is the 25th of every month

Our Minister

The Reverend Rod Thompson

Rod’s Ruminations


Thank you for another year of being so supportive of my ministry with you.

Thank you for your ministry to me, especially when I had my “Christmas Health Scare” after a reaction to medication. Everyone knows how hard it is for me to ask for help. That is the first time in my career that I wasn’t able to complete a Homily/Sermon or Closing Words. Your expressions of love and care make re-retiring here in Las Cruces so much more desirable.

Thank you, Haney, for stepping in for me and finishing the Homily and Closing Words so professionally, especially when you had never seen those words before.

Thank you, Rev Nancy, for stepping in so professionally, as usual, to conduct the wedding of Lisa and Terri.

Thank you, Lisa and Terri, for being so flexible. Best Wishes for your life ahead.

Thank you to the Staff for another wonderful year of leading the Programs of our Church with dedication, commitment, professionalism. And Thank You for being so supportive of each other. That means so much to me as your Supervisor and makes our meetings so much fun.

And Thank You to the members of Board (past and present) and for All of you Volunteers for Doing the Work of the Church! I can’t thank you enough!

I hope these next seven months will be more of the same – just with fewer bumps along the way.

Our President

Susan Hychka

picture of susan hychka

Dear UUCLC members and friends,

In July of 2020 I was asked to fill a vacancy on the Board, and the Trustees accepted my offer to serve as President for the remainder of 2020. I was elected by the Congregation to serve a three-year term (2021- 2023), and was elected to serve an additional year, each year serving as President of the Congregation and Chair of the Board of Trustees. I am grateful to all of you for placing your trust in my leadership for the past 4½ years.

Now your new Board will meet in January to plan their course and elect officers for 2025. You have elected a strong and capable Board, and I am confident they will serve you well.

Highlights of 2024 include –

  • A Ministerial Search Team is making excellent progress. They created a job description for a three-quarter time Contract Minister and posted it and our Congregational Profile on the UUA Ministerial Transitions database. They will share updates with the Congregation as progress continues. The goal is to have a new Contract Minister join us in August when Reverend Rod Thompson completes his service here.
  • A Music Task Force is identifying what this Congregation needs to continue our excellent music program. A job description was approved by the Board in December, and it will be posted locally, statewide, and through the Association for Unitarian Universalist Music Ministries. The Task Force will provide updates as progress continues.
  • Our Congregation was awarded a $320,000 grant from the Department of Energy, to be matched by $80,000 from UUCLC as specific projects are completed. The planned capital improvements will allow UUCLC to increase the capacity of our electrical system, install more efficient heating and air conditioning units, install point of service water heaters, and make other improvements that move UUCLC closer to becoming a Green Sanctuary.
  • Your Board of Directors will hold Listening Sessions at least monthly to encourage all interested members to share their ideas and concerns and stay up to date with our plans and progress. You are also invited to attend our monthly Board Meetings, listed in Week at a Glance.

Thanks to all who shared their ideas at our Casita meetings and Visioning Action Day, and to the many people who work to make this church a more vibrant and mission/vision-focused place.

In case you need a reminder –

  • Our Mission is “to gather to inspire spiritual growth, care for each other and our community, seek truth, and work for justice in the world.”
  • Our Vision is “to be a transformational force for love and justice in our community.”

Now, more than ever, we need all of us to do all we can!

With love and gratitude,
Susan Hychka

Board of Trustees

Board Officers
Vice President: Linda Ruchala
Treasurer: Jan Thompson

At Large
Peggy Devlin (2-year term)
Sam Palahnuk (2-year extension)
Joan Pipkins (3-year term)
Rich Richins (1-year extension)
Carol Stanfill
Jennifer Trantham (3-year term)
Greg White (3-year term)

Note: Officers will be elected at the January 2025 board meeting.

Full board minutes are sent to church members in a private emailing.

Religious Education

Kellie Ingram, Director of Religious Education

Kellie is taking a much needed New Year’s break. Look for her article in February.

Music and Choir

The Music Task Force was created to begin the work of seeking someone to step into the Music Director position created by Catherine Massey’s retirement. Their first task was to draft a job description for a music leader for the 2025 fiscal year and forward the document to the Board of Trustees for approval. We are happy to report that this first hurdle has been accomplished. Now, we are in the process of sharing that job description with various groups including Unitarian Universalist Association’s regional and state music leaders as well as members of the Association for Unitarian Universalist Music Ministries. Along with that we are posting the position on our website and other local sites to get the most widespread distribution as possible. Deadlines for applications will be the end of January. If you know of anyone who may be interested in Music Leadership here at the church, please ask them to check out our website (https://www.uuchurchlc.org/job-posting/) or contact our Church Administrator for a copy of the job description.


Nancy Zacarias, Church Administrator

picture of nancy zacarias

Office and library hours are Mon.-Fri. 10 AM until 2 PM. You can email the office at .

Committees and Programs

Take Note

There still are regularly scheduled dates missing from the 2025 calendar. We’ve asked program and committee heads repeatedly to notify the office if they wish to continue their dates and rooms into 2025 or change them. Things like Mindfulness, Board of Trustee meetings, Game Night, Book Club and Covenant Group meetings, to name a few, have not been renewed for 2025. Please go to the church calendar and check your dates and times because Nancy Zacarias and Lyn Pearson are not going to second guess you.

Please remember that we all rely on this calendar to find dates and rooms that are available when we need them for meetings and events.

Adult Enrichment by Sara Thomas

Jan 15th is the last day to Register for Spring Adult Enrichment Classes

The Spring 2025 Adult Enrichment catalogue was sent out mid-December in an eblast to the congregation.  There are also copies taped to tables in the lobby and the library. You can register at those tables, through email, snail mail, or drop it off at the church office.  Most classes have a charge of $15 to register, payable to UUCLC, though there will always be a few free ones.  Classes are open to the community through word-of-mouth so feel free to invite a friend. This outreach brings more people into contact with UUCLC. Adult enrichment has many benefits: learning new skills, fellowship, possible new members, and more visibility for our church. If you have questions, contact Sara Thomas, Adult Ed Coordinator.

You can register through email, snail mail, drop it off at the church office, or at a self-serve table in the lobby.

Registration closes Jan 15th . If you have questions, contact Sara Thomas, Adult Ed Coordinator.

CUUPS by Cassandra Calway

“Spiritual teachings of Earth-centered traditions which celebrate the sacred circle of life and instruct us to live in harmony with the rhythms of nature.” The Sixth Source of Affirmation of the Unitarian Universalist Association.

Join us at our January 18 CUUPS gathering. We will meet in the Religious Education Building great room at 6 PM for a potluck supper followed by ritual at 7 PM.

The Wheel of the Year is an annual cycle of seasonal festivals, observed by a range of modern pagans, marking the year‘s chief solar events (solstices and equinoxes) and the midpoints between them.

Yule: Celebrates the winter solstice.
lmbolc: An ancient festival welcoming the first wave of spring.
Ostara: Celebrates the spring equinox
Beltane: Celebrates May Day
Litha: Celebrates the summer solstice
Lughnasadh (Loo-nas-ah): Celebrates the beginning of the harvest season
Mabon: Celebrates the autumnal equinox
Samhain (saa-wn): Celebrates the end of harvest season

The Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans (CUUPS) is an organization dedicated to networking Pagan-identified Unitarian Universalists (UUs), educating people about Paganism, promoting interfaith dialogue, developing Pagan liturgies and theologies, and supporting Pagan-identified Unitarian Universalist religious professionals.

Facilities by Charlie Scholz –

Good News From Facilities!

We’ve gotten money from our insurance company to replace the doors that were damaged in the break-in. The amount we’ve received should be enough to pay for the office door, which we’ve already replaced, and a replacement of the Lobby doors. It also should allow us to purchase new doors for the Gallery. We
will keep you posted as we make these purchases and installations.

We have also been considering an automatic door opener for the Front entrance to the Lobby. This would allow individuals who have difficulty opening a regular door to push a button and be able to move right in.

As we continue to keep the campus clean and functional with minor repairs and replacements, we would like you to let us know if there is anything that needs work.

Happy New Year, Charlie Scholz, Chair of Facilities Management

Finance by Ed Long

Another budget year is in the books! The congregation overwhelmingly approved a balanced budget at the congregational meeting on December 15. Thanks again to all who pledged and a big thanks to the members of the Finance Committee who worked hard to develop the 2025 budget. Finance Committee members in 2024 included Jan Thompson, Shirley Davis, Anette Turrentine, Ed Long, Steve Hychka, and Susan Hychka. In January, we will be working to close the books on 2024 and begin work on the policies and procedures.

Shirley Davis and Ed Long, Co-Chairs

Generous Giving by Jack Welch

All Generous Giving donations during December were for our Change 4 Change Fund. The generous donors are: Nancy L Anderson, Sheree Brown, Dale Emmet, Ed Gomolka, Danny Deborah Hawkins, Ginny Herrick, Rex Myers and Susan Richards, Elwin Nunn, Lucy Silva, and Jan Thompson. Our Change 4 Change recipient this quarter is “Coats for Kids”. Thank you all.


Hospitality Rotation Schedule

This schedule is now permanently located on the Members page of our website under Sunday Hospitality Rotation. A new addition to the hospitality rotation is the Caring Committee, which will be handling 5th Sundays throughout the year.

Library by Rabbit Loring

Back By Popular Demand!

So many people enjoyed our Authentic Selves class this fall that we have decided to offer it again. Our 2024-2025 UUA Common Read, Authentic Selves: Celebrating Trans and Nonbinary People and Their Families, will again be the subject of an Adult Enrichment class March 18-April 8, Tuesdays, from 6:00-7:30. The class is free, making it available to as many people as possible.

You can purchase the book ahead of time for $20 (see Rabbitt Loring), or get a copy on your own. Discussion materials for the class invite participants to tell their own stories to form a deeper understanding of how their gender identity has shaped their lives.

Sign up for Adult Enrichment Spring Semester classes ends January 15. Look for sign up materials in the church lobby or in the library. Questions? Contact Rabbitt Loring or Sara Thomas.

Many thanks to those who bought books during our Jolabokaflud book sale. The staff is grateful for your continued support of our church library.

Membership by Lyn Pearson –

Join Us In The Membership Committee

If you are passionate about spreading the Good Word of Unitarian Universalism, then joining the Membership Committee is one way to achieve your goal. The committee meets once a month on the third Monday at 11:30 AM in the library. When possible, we do some business by email. Meetings are an hour and a half and we end on time! Our work is very rewarding and we enjoy working with each other. If you want to learn more or join the group, please contact us at , or talk to any member of the committee (look for the “Membership” ribbon on their name badges), or contact Lyn Pearson directly.

Eating Out

Yeah! January is here and Eating Out resumes Friday January 17th at 5:30 pm.  Meet us at Kallos Mediterranean restaurant at 141 Roadrunner Suite 115. Mediterranean and vegetarian food. Call-text Janet Martinique or email by 6:00 pm Wednesday 15th.

Reserve your place now, lest you forget it later. January 17th at 5:30 PM.


Our December greeters were: Jane Asche, Carol Casavant, Cathy Cox, Shirley Davis, Steve Hychka, Katie Fitzgerald, Diane Lee, Tom Packard, Lyn Pearson, Janet Pitt, Janet Martinique, Carol Stanfill, Lisa Stevens, Mark Sukontarak, Gayle Trantham, Susan West, and Jack Welch. If the number of December greeters surprises you, remember the extra services at Yule and Christmas Eve. Many thanks to the folks who step up every week to greet everyone who comes to a service.

If you’re interested in becoming a greeter, contact Mark Sukontarak at .

Social Justice

The Social Justice Committee meets on the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 1:30 PM in the library and on Zoom.

Change For Change January through March

Dharmahorse Equine Sanctuary (https://dharmahorse.org/) provides comprehensive life-long and loving care for horses, mules and donkeys who have been abused, neglected, abandoned, or in need of sanctuary due to age, injury or illness. Dharmahorse Equine Sanctuary is accredited by the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries. This joyful refuge is expanding the circle of compassion by providing lifesaving care to 19 horses. Equines are expensive to care for so please give generously.

Change For Change Nominations

Please submit nominations for our next Change for Change competition

The Social Justice Committee invites Members and Friends of UUCLC to make nominations of local organizations which will receive donations made to our Change for Change offerings for the period April 1, 2025, to March 31, 2026.  Four Las Cruces or Dona Ana County charitable organizations will be selected.

The process for submitting nominations, the deadlines for nominations and the process for selection of winners are presented on the church’s website under the MEMBERS tab.  The deadline for submission is Friday, March 1, 2025.  Selections will be made on Sunday, March 16, 2025.

Please direct questions about our process to .

Sunday Services by Katie Fitzgerald

It will be difficult to top the services we had during December and the service to close out the year honoring our retiring Director of Music, Catherine Massey was unforgettably emotional and over-the-top!

But here is what the Sunday Services for January look like–we hope to see you all there!

We welcome new members to our committee or any input or feedback you would like to share.  Contact Charlie Scholz or Katie Fitzgerald, in care of the Sunday Services Committee.

January 5th: Charlie Scholz  The Truth will Set You Free

January 12, 2025 A Story Unfolding Rev. Tania Y. Márquez, Guest Minister

Our living tradition is alive and present in our congregations. We will be invited to
reflect on how we can remain present and active in the unfolding process of our shared

January 19th: Haney Pearson Celebrating Martin Luther King, Jr.

We celebrate the life of Martin Luther King, Jr. with some of his own words and the music that held the movement together.

January 26th: Rich Richins Sacred Space: Embracing Pantheism

What if the divine wasn’t distant but present in every leaf, every stone, every breath? Pantheism invites us to see the sacred not as separate, but woven into the fabric of the universe itself. From the rustling of trees to the endless expanse of the stars, it whispers, “You are part of this, and it is part of you.” Join us as we explore how this ancient perspective can deepen our connection to nature, inspire awe in the everyday, and remind us that the holy is closer than we ever imagined. Rediscover the spirit in all things!

Tombaugh Gallery by Lurene John

Sam Peters Exhibition

The Tombaugh Gallery is fortunate to be able to present the work of internationally known artist Sam Peters. This show includes monotypes, cliché-verre, and mixed medium pieces produced by Mr. Peters between 1990 and 20 20, the height of his experimentation in printmaking while living in Las Cruces.
Selected from three local collections, this show emphasizes small unframed prints: larger works will be
displayed for comparison. A portion of the proceeds from this show will be donated to Mesilla Valley Hospice, in Las Cruces.

Join the Gallery for a wine reception from 5 to 7 pm on Friday, January 3. That evening at 5:30, Greg White, curator and collector, will give a presentation on the life and works of Sam Peters.

Hours: First Fridays, 5:00 to 7:00 pm
Friday and Saturday, 10:00 to 2:00
Sunday, 11:30 to 2:00 Or by appointment (575) 522-7281

We want to invite artistic members of the Church to share their work during a special members show in May. We have many talented artists so we hope you will participate.

Contact Lurene at so we can keep you updated.

Requests and Items of Interest

Join the Mindfulness Group

Relaxation and mindfulness, available in just one hour to all who sit with us.  We meet each Tuesday at 3 PM in the Religious Education Building great room, carrying on the tradition started by Reba Montera. Join us for a mixture of sitting quiet meditation (two twenty-minute sets) with walking in the middle (ten minutes).  No reservations necessary. Donations welcome.

Class Update for Qi-Gong+Indian-Club Movement

Carol Allen, the class instructor, invites you to sign up for Qi-Gong+Indian-Club Movement. 

This is a gentle exercise class done either standing or sitting in one place that increases strength, balance and concentration. There are 7 students maximum per class. 

Classes are held in the Religious Education Building great room. 

There is a one-time registration fee of $15 for the full session or you can opt for a drop-in class for $2. 
All proceeds go to the church. The first class is free for potential new students or visitors.


Session 1 – Winter 2025 – Jan / Feb / Mar -12 classes 

  • Tuesdays at 2:00  pm – Jan 7 thru Mar 25 
  • Wednesdays at 12:00 pm – Jan 8 thru Mar 26 
  • Thursdays at 2:00 pm – Jan 9 thru Mar 27 (beginning of March at 12 pm)

Session 2 – Spring 2025 – Apr / May / Jun -12 classes 

  • Tuesdays at 2:00  pm – Apr 1 thru Jun 17 
  • Wednesdays at 12:00 pm – Apr 2 thru Jun 18 
  • Thursdays at 12:00 pm – Apr 3 thru Jun 19

If interested please contact either Carol Allen or the church office.

Events of Note

None in January.

Regularly Scheduled Activities

Always check the calendar on our website or, if you receive them, Week at A Glance email notices for changes to dates and times or events not listed here.

Every Tuesday

10-11 AM and 5:45-6:45 — T’ai Chi in the Religious Education Building great room.

2-3 PM — Qi Gong in the Religious Education Building great room.

3-4 PM — Mindfulness in the Religious Education Building great room.

Every Wednesday

9-10 AM — Caring Conversations meets on Zoom. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87064121421?pwd=QmNhYVlrUTltK1cxRDhSRVdOU01rdz09, Meeting ID: 870 6412 1421, Passcode: 564007

9:30-11:00 AM — Weight Watchers in the Religious Education Building great room.

12-1 PM — Qi Gong in the Religious Education Building great room.

2 PM — The Bridge Group plays bridge in the church lobby. If you want to play, contact Nancy Anderson by email, phone, or at church to let her know you would like to be on her weekly contact list.

Every Thursday

10-11 AM and 5:45-6:45 — T’ai Chi in the Religious Education Building great room.

2-3 PM — Qi Gong in the Religious Education Building great room. (beginning of March at 12 pm)

Every Friday

12-1 PM — Yoga in the Religious Education Great Room.

T.G.I.F. – Zoom Together. A great way to end your week with your fellow Unitarian Universalists. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5755227281?pwd=OEp3RTNkcWNid0tTNHFDNHEzUFNIUT09
Meeting ID: 575 522 7281
Passcode: 7777777

1st Thursday

7-8 PM — Sound Meditation and Relaxation in the Sanctuary for an hour of relaxation. Bring your yoga mat, if you like. (This will not take place until our meditation leader, John, who broke his arm, is cleared by his doctor to resume this program.)

2nd Thursday

3:30-5:30 PM — Book Club. If you would like to join us, please email Danny or Deb Hawkins. We meet in the library.

2nd Friday

6:30-8:30 PM — Game Night. Join us in the Religious Education Building Great Room. Bring a snack to share and a favorite game. Hope to see you there!

3rd Thursday

6:30-8:00 PM — Death Cafe. Please join us the third Thursday of each month for an opportunity to sit with others and share your experiences with death and grieving.  We meet in the church library.  Contact Brooks Lewis at or leave a voice message at 512-826-1472. 

3rd Friday

5:30-7:30 PM — Eating Out. A group of members and friends meet for dinner at a local restaurant on the 3rd Friday of the month. Please contact Janet Martinique at to make your reservation the Wednesday before the dinner.

2nd Saturday

1-3 PM — The UU Crafters Group meets the second Saturday of each month at 1:00 in the Religious Education building. Come join us to learn new crafts, share your projects, and have fun. All are invited, guys, gals, teens, members, non-members, new crafters, and experts. We share project ideas and always learn fun new crafts. Carol Stanfill and Sara Thomas. Questions? Email

2nd Saturday in Feb, May, Aug, Nov – Fine Dining Experience

Dinner at the J Paul Taylor Detention Facility with a group of 14-21 year-old young men. Contact Haney Pearson if you would like to participate.

3rd Saturday

1-2 PM — Drumming Circle. Don’t miss the opportunity to experience drumming with Yolanda Martinez in the Religious Education Building great room.

6:00-8:30 PM — CUUPS. This is the Las Cruces chapter of the Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans. We practice and educate others on Earth-centered spirituality. We gather monthly on the 3rd Saturday of each month at 6 PM for a potluck and either ritual or an informative class. All events are open to everyone interested in learning and/or growing in their spiritual path. Events held at the church unless otherwise noted. Visit http://www.facebook.com/desertspiritcuups or email .