Speaker: Rev. Rod Thompson
Where is Dr. King’s Dream for Us?
As our nation celebrates the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., it gives us a chance to look at his legacy and his challenge for religious liberals in this illiberal age.
Family Christmas Eve Candlelight Celebration
A Christmas Eve candlelight service with lots of stories and carols, ending with the traditional candle lighting and “Silent Night.” Bring your family, including your extended family if they are with you, a plate of cookies to share, and join your church family to celebrate the season.
Christmas, Bah, Humbug
We all know that the stores have had their Christmas decorations and merchandise out since Labor Day, that radio and TV have long since started their “holiday” programming, and that Santa arrived on Thanksgiving; so with 7 shopping days left many of us are already quoting Mr. Scrooge. Still I hope we might all find … Continue reading Christmas, Bah, Humbug
Celebrate the Holidays, but Which One?
December is the month of Holidays and we do like to celebrate holidays, but which December holiday should we celebrate? Hanukkah? Solstice? Christmas? Kwanzaa? Or all four? Join us this Sunday and we will try to decide. Lots of thoughts, ideas, and lots of music.