Topic: Contemporary Issue

A Contemporary Issue from a Religious Perspective

A worship service that puts a contemporary issue,sometimes a current social issue, into a religious and spiritual framework. The issue is often viewed through the lens of Unitarian Universalist principles. Our principles urge respect for all people and justice in our relationships with others. These services can be a call to further action. Often, they are a request for the congregation to think more deeply about the issue from a religious perspective.

Climate Action Group

We’re in the pivotal decade of the climate crisis, demanding swift societal change to prevent dire consequences. How’s our progress? What role do we, as Unitarian Universalists play? Join us for worship and both encouraging updates and sobering realities.


Unitarian Universalists have been in the forefront in obtaining equal rights for marginalized people. Now those gains are under attack, and we need stories from the past to help us stand and resist those who wish to turn back to the bad old days. This service will feature the music of Old Time Pharmaceuticals.